Category Archives: Sin


Fathers sometimes let us down and mothers also too, For they are only human, just like me and you. Though we may desire a better former past, And painful memories seem to tarry on and last. Remember the Words of … Continue reading

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A Conversation Over Drinks

I’ve anguish of my soul for death will be my end, And who shall pay the cost, the price of my own sin. Payment will be due upon the day I die, It’s too late now to change my ways, … Continue reading

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Yeast Infection

Laws of man like shifting sand, a foothold insecure, The currents they ride, on wind and tide, unstable that’s for sure. The worldly code a winding road, it takes the easy path, And truth denied creates a lie, in God’s … Continue reading

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Don’t Slight the Hand that Feeds You

Please do not grieve God’s Holy Spirit, What you speak or think, He surely will hear it. We are not bound by the law anymore, But love for Christ, is what we should live for. A friend that you love, … Continue reading

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The Pretender

I followed Jesus, the Man Himself for 3 long years or more, I heard Him preach from mountain tops, I heard Him preach from shore. I watched Him heal the masses, the blind, the deaf, the lame, Even those dead … Continue reading

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Shackles and Chains

Shackles and chains and a hook for my nose, Wherever I’m pulled that’s where I goes. It’s the same old story again and again, God, He does bless and we forget about Him. So He puts on us famine, puts … Continue reading

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An Inside Job

Actions of evil is what we call sin, But is the heart of the matter under our skin? All crimes have motives; we know this is true, They all have some reason to carry them through. Into this world we … Continue reading

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Lay Your Hammer Down

He who forms the hearts of all, who considers all they do. He, who patiently, patiently calls, who Loves us through and through. He knows our plans, He knows our dreams, where we stand, our shady schemes. To Him our … Continue reading

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