Monthly Archives: June 2014

The Pain Exchange

Exchange your pain for prayer whether slight or off the chart, The Doctor bids you call Him as soon as symptoms start, Be it physical or mental or a broken heart’s sad grief. The Doctor has the cure, the Doctor … Continue reading

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Pure Devotion

Oh that God’s own people, who go by His Son’s name, Would have a passion for His Kingdom, like an addict’s hungry vein. We give our tithe, our ten percent and feel so very smug, A crack-head spends all he … Continue reading

Posted in God's Kingdom vs The World | Leave a comment

Yeast Infection

Laws of man like shifting sand, a foothold insecure, The currents they ride, on wind and tide, unstable that’s for sure. The worldly code a winding road, it takes the easy path, And truth denied creates a lie, in God’s … Continue reading

Posted in Sin | Leave a comment

Tares (Seeds of Doubt)

“Did God really say?” Are the devil’s first words found within God’s Book. Doubt is the tool he employed from the start, his favorite bait for his hook. He undermines truth with the most subtle of lies, He can fool … Continue reading

Posted in The Devil | Leave a comment

My Walk

In my prayer, He is there. When I give thanks for my meal, It’s because of Him. When I start my journey, He will be there to help me along the way, Speed bumps, curve balls, and low times may … Continue reading

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