Tares (Seeds of Doubt)

“Did God really say?” Are the devil’s first words found within God’s Book.
Doubt is the tool he employed from the start, his favorite bait for his hook.
He undermines truth with the most subtle of lies,
He can fool the most ignorant; he can fool the most wise.
For worship he wants and worship he gets,
When men ignore God and God men forget.
Whether idols of stone or any object that’s known,
When it’s first in our hearts, our soul he does own.
But he flaunts not his power, for mum is the word,
A snake will not rattle when he’s stalking a bird.
“Did God really say it exactly like that?”
He puts a twist on the truth and a mere tweak on the facts.
He justifies evil with bad means and good ends,
But there’s not a grain of good that comes with a sin.
He practiced deception for thousands of years,
No one can touch him at the art of tickling men’s ears.
You might think yourself strong and beyond all his power,
But he’ll do you like Job and knock you down in an hour.
He’s fooled the great masses, they think all it is well,
But they’re running full speed to him, full speed to hell.
Now God really said, “I Love you so much,
I gave you my Son, my own human touch.”
He came to break chains of death and of sin,
And crush the snakes head; yes, Jesus will win.
For deception will vanish, and truth it will reign,
And the devil won’t hurt or cause us great pain.
But for now we resist him with the power of Christ,
And hold to God’s Word for God’s Word is our life.
We pray for deliverance from Satan’s lies and his hold,
And trust only in Jesus to save and keep our weak souls.


But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning,
your minds may somehow be led astray from
your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3

A note about Tares (Seeds of Doubt): “Please allow me to introduce myself; I’m a man of wealth and taste,” the opening line to a popular rock song of the early seventies. Written by Keith Richards and Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones whose glory was their bad boy image and Godless lifestyle. The songs title was “Sympathy for the Devil” and it is the devil who is speaking the words of the first line. Curious that these two would have a better grasp of exactly who Satan is, than the typical worldly view. There are no horns, no tail, pitch fork or red suit. The Bible says that he masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14) Deception is his game and he’s good at it. Many battles have been won by one army deceiving another by means of making them think their power is greater than it actually is; and do not get me wrong, Satan cannot be fought by our own power. But a very revealing verse that he would probably rather you not see is Isaiah 14:16-17: “Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate. ‘Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a desert, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?’”

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