Who is Tertius?

I sign these poems with Tertius (pronounced Ter-she-us). Tertius was the scribe for Paul when he wrote the letter (he called it the Book) to the Christians in Rome. Paul spoke, Ter wrote. I use this because I feel God gives me the words and I just scribble. Most are written rough draft in an hour: middle of the night, at work, once in a while driving (not recommended) even at the Bounce House in Williamsburg with 500 kids bouncing off the walls.

I, Tertius, wield pen for a sword,
As I write of God’s Kingdom and write of our Lord.
By reading God’s Word and heart prone to pray,
His Spirit relates to what I should say.
Dictation I take for I’m only a scribe,
But the wisdom He gives I surely imbibe.
My Master, He calls me, I never know when,
But I never do mind, cause He’s also my friend.
Midnight, at work, as I rise from my bed,
There’s no telling when He’ll put prose in my head.
To write of His Love is as easy as pie,
His Spirit’s with mine, so I don’t have to lie.
My greatest desire, my strongest yen,
To bring souls to Jesus and free them from sin.
God’s Love is stronger than the spin of the world,
And with paper and pen, this Love it unfurls.
Why has He given this sinner this gift,
That saves souls from hell and returns those who drift?
It takes one to know one; that’s my only guess,
But I’ve great joy in His service, which I confess.
His Word it has changed me and I put it to rhyme,
And I pray you it will too, all in His time.
I write all in love, and not just mere duty,
But my pen can’t do justice to God’s unseen beauty.
So seek Him yourself, give ear to His voice,
But, He will not force it, for all men do have choice.
Now I will keep writing in praise of the King,
And perhaps one day with angels, these words we will sing.


I, Tertius, who wrote down this letter, greet you in the Lord.
Romans 16:22

A note about “I, Tertius”: As I lay in bed one night the thought came to me that one day I would most likely meet the Apostle Paul’s scribe, Tertius. I say most likely because just because he “penned” the book of Romans doesn’t qualify him for heaven. But I think Paul would more than likely have had one of great faith to assist him in his endeavor. How many friends do you have that if you asked them to write a letter would continue on through one as long as the Book of Romans? How about that verse at the end? That couldn’t have been better if I wrote it myself!