Sweet Spot

The earth is froze and the cold wind blows,
Let me go to that sweet spot.
The whole world’s fighting, even now as I’m writing.
Let me go to that sweet spot.
Everybody’s pushing, everybody’s shoving,
For that pie in the sky that don’t mean nothing.
Kneel me down, on the ground, oh sweet spot.
When my knee drops, to the sweet spot, I’ll be higher than any tree top.
Please don’t stop, don’t ever stop, I love the sweet spot.
The cannons roar, outside my door,
Let me go to that sweet spot.
They’re aimed at me, who could it be?
Let me go to that sweet spot.
The devil and his demons always lying and a scheming
Want to crucify your soul with pride, lust and gold,
Kneel me down on the ground, oh sweet spot.
When my knee drops to the sweet spot, I’ll be higher than any tree top,
Please don’t stop, don’t ever stop, I love the sweet spot.
Have you found something lacking? Can you lose what is attacking?
Is there peace in your soul? Satan got you in his hold?
Do you know the greatest Love? Are you looking to above?
On this spot I lay my claim and I do in Jesus name, sweet spot.
Our God above, has the greatest Love,
There I am, and there I stand, sweet spot.
He gave His Son, His only One,
That’s my plea, and now I’m free, sweet spot.
He paid my debt that I could never pay
And gives me much more than I can ever say.
Kneel me down, on the ground, oh sweet spot,
When my knee drops to the sweet spot, I’ll be higher than any tree top.
Please don’t stop, don’t ever stop, I love the sweet spot.


“When you’re down on your knees, you’re tall as trees.”
Herbert Emerson

A note about “Sweet Spot”: After a hectic day of this and that, cold and snow, my own sin of aggravation, I lay down in my bed and ended my day with prayer and praised God for the physical shelter He had provided me against the cold and this wonderful privilege of prayer providing shelter for the soul. My roof is made of concrete and when it gets down in the teens, it makes a noise that sounds like someone on top busting up cinder block. That’s where the “cannons roar” reference came from. No scripture this time. I decided to quote something my dad used to say all the time. The last year of his life he spent in a wheelchair and couldn’t get on his knees; but then again, your physical position isn’t mandatory anyway, only the heart. I’m living proof of that because I believe his prayers had so much to do with my turn around. Thanks, dad! Thanks, Jesus! May we pray and pray all day, in every way, and learn to stay in that sweet spot.

“Whether we think of or speak to God, whether we act or suffer for Him,
all is prayer when we have no other object than His Love
and the desire of pleasing Him.”

John Wesley

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1 Response to Sweet Spot

  1. Joe holt says:

    Awesome song Joel proud to know you you are a man of God

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