The Open Door

My Door is wide open, why will you not come in,
But you have shut it, in spite of my Love once again.
I will not come begging for love that is not there,
Who can demand for someone to care?
I’ve given you everything; I’ve shared with you all,
My Love isn’t talk, but my deeds how I call.
Day after day as I patiently wait,
But even I do grow weary, my burden is great.
Ignored and rejected is the burden I bear,
As I wait for a sign that tells me you care.
My Love for you cost me the death of my Son,
By whose torture and pain, your freedom was won.
Freedom from sin that made you its slave,
Sin that takes all men down to their grave.
But death could not hold Him within its cold grip,
And to put trust in Him, your fear of death it slips.
Why do you tarry? Why do you wait
When my Love will cleanse you, from sin and from hate?
I’ve nothing but good for those who love me,
And to those who but ask, I make the blind see.
What more can I give? What more can I do
To melt your cold heart and get through to you?
Though you shut my Door the day will come yet,
When you wished you had entered much to your regret.
For when I’ve shut the Door, it’s latched and it’s locked,
I won’t hear when you call out, nor care ‘cause you knocked.
Everyone thinks they have time on their side,
But the time you have now, time does not confide.
So please enter in, my house of grace and of truth,
Where mercy and Love are its walls and its roof.
My Son the Foundation, eternal and sure,
The Way, Truth and Life, the wide open Door.


I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved,
and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
John 10:9

A note about: “The Open Door”: How often our physical lives are shadows (of a sort) teaching us about spiritual things. Both are absolute reality, but our life here on earth is but a flash compared to what will be. God teaches us about Himself by our relationships with others that we have here and now, and we are given the great responsibility to teach others about God by the integrity of our relationships with others. When my youngest daughter was very small she asked me if God was a bad word. To my utter shame that was the only context she had heard His Name. By the same token when God is referred to as Father will a man’s children imagine a good image or a bad one? We all have people we dearly love who do not return our affections. The greater the love, the greater the pain. I hope this one puts you in God’s shoes for a short walk.

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