Yeast Infection

Laws of man like shifting sand, a foothold insecure,
The currents they ride, on wind and tide, unstable that’s for sure.
The worldly code a winding road, it takes the easy path,
And truth denied creates a lie, in God’s Word it tries to graft.
Traditions of men, traditional sin, our desires are how they’re chose,
Adam and Eve used fig leaves when they found they needed clothes.
But God required more than leafy attire, He provided an animal’s hide,
And for the sin of both of them an innocent animal died.
Now does God think our goodness stinks when used to win His favor?
The only price to save our life is the blood of Christ, our Savior.
All God’s rules are set like jewels with ink on gilded pages,
His Spirit spoke and prophets wrote from earliest of ages.
He told all men of their sin by His Word within His Book,
But their own they’d make and His forsake, the truth they dared not look.
The shepherds reek of doublespeak when what is true does hurt,
Fill the pews and spread the news of the message that’s inert.
Salt and fresh cannot mesh for one becomes the other,
And like the water we find our border is down and sin’s our brother.
Our law is love and if we love the law it keeps us from all harm
But changing creeds like growing weeds it holds a certain charm.
So hold on tight with all your might not straying off the path,
For rules of men just lead to sin as Christ taught in days of past.
The least of yeast works through the dough and makes the loaf to rise,
A hint of sin that grows within like cancer increases in size.
To modify is to nullify His Word is perfect as is,
It needs no hand from mortal man for perfection is His biz.
When Jesus spoke with “sinful” folk, His voice was meek and mild,
But when He spoke with religious fakes, He really got quite riled.
So do not add or delete a tad to God’s Holy Word so true,
But etch each part upon your heart that they may shine by what you do.


Then they understood that he was not telling them
to guard against the yeast used in bread,
but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Matthew 16:12

They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.
You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.
Mark 7:7-8

A note about “Yeast Infection”: We know that those who have no regard for God have no regard for His Word. No surprise there, but it bothers me that those who claim to follow Him sometimes pick and choose what they will use from the Bible like they are frisking fruit on the produce aisle. Sometimes when the truth is right before our eyes it is difficult to see it clearly when we look through the lens of adversity. People who go to prison find out very soon who their real friends really are. It’s all fun and games until the party’s over. God knows who really loves Him before they are tested. Perhaps complete loyalty to His truth is part of the growing process that is for our own and others’ benefit. There will be mysteries as long as we walk on this earth, but everything we need to know to walk in God’s well-lit path is somewhere in the Bible, and as we yield to His Spirit in little He will reveal greater things. In the same way when we permit little sins in (with our permission) they tend to gather in strength and, left unchecked, will take over.

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