Pure Devotion

Oh that God’s own people, who go by His Son’s name,
Would have a passion for His Kingdom, like an addict’s hungry vein.
We give our tithe, our ten percent and feel so very smug,
A crack-head spends all he has as he searches through his rug.
We worry little about lost souls it does not cost us sleep,
But when a wino’s tipped his bottle dry, it makes his soul to weep.
A prayer is a word or two we say in greatest haste,
But a smoker saves his roaches, not one he would dare waste.
The Bible is a precious gem, the pearl of greatest price,
But would we dare defend it like a user with his spice?
Now Jesus held out open hand to receive the soldier’s nail,
And all high fliers take the chance of spending time in jail.
I see your hand is open too, for to give or to receive?
Oh that like some folks’ craving, in Christ we would believe.
My mind recalls of days gone by, my whole life was getting high,
But now on the wings of grace by faith, my soul on God’s Love flies.
His Love serves no hangover, no hugging porcelain throne,
No wondering how you got home last night or what you said while on the phone.
But it does give hope for glory to live with God above,
And while on earth we have the joy of trusting in His Love.
Drugs are but an idol, that and nothing more,
They make a man a slave in chains to this chemical whore.
For she always wants her money and love she does not give,
Her pleasure is but fleeting, oh what a way to live.
But a user and a drinker will love her like a wife,
No cost is too pricey, all his money, time and life.
But most Christians are much different, their passions not the same,
The go to church on Sunday, as long as there’s no game.
They go to church and speak of God, as if He’s their greatest pal,
But when they should love their brother, you can almost hear ‘em howl.
Oh that we should seek our God, like a junkie does his fix,
And serve with the same great zeal they do just for getting kicks.
Now who is it you serve my friend, a bottle or a pill?
Or do you serve the living God and seek to do His will?
Now those who worship idols spend all their time and gold,
When God looks for devotion what will He find within our soul?


“I’ve seen the needle and the damage done, a little part of it in everyone,
but every junkie’s like a setting sun”
Neil Young

A note about “Pure Devotion”: What thing that is described as “pure” that a wino, junkie and every other addict possesses that a typical Christian does not? “Pure” is the last word you would associate with such an individual but as God’s children who are washed in the blood, that should be associated with Christians above all other people. But sadly it’s not. Devotion! Sad when you think about. But if it makes you sad, how much more so God who looks into the heart of the one who worships the chemical idol and see their great love for evil and also looks into His children’s hearts and sees a great expanse of apathy. May we all contemplate this and return such a sublime Love in a more worthy manner.

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