The Pain Exchange

Exchange your pain for prayer whether slight or off the chart,
The Doctor bids you call Him as soon as symptoms start,
Be it physical or mental or a broken heart’s sad grief.
The Doctor has the cure, the Doctor has relief.
It just might be a thorn piercing in your side,
And though it hurts, it’s meant to keep you from the curse of human pride.
He may not heal your pain outright, but His timing is the best,
And when His purpose is fulfilled, He will give you rest.
Now Job he suffered multitudes of trouble in his life,
And few have suffered to the magnitude of God’s own Son, the Christ.
But in all their troubles, the meaning of their pain was hidden well,
Job refined pure as gold and Christ saved our souls from hell.
Right now we may not understand the sorrows of our soul,
But God’s eye is on the sparrow and He shall bring us forth as gold.
All those who tortured Jesus as He hung upon death’s tree,
The pain they gave moved Him to prayer, as He made this final plea.
“Father please forgive them, for they know not what they do,”
When others look to hurt you, do you pray this for them to?
Exchange your pain for prayer, there’s a plentiful supply,
The devil’s out to get you until the day you die.
Some people like to hurt you, that’s what they do the best,
Perhaps God’s put them in your life as a mysterious kind of test.
Pray for them as Jesus would, for God is pleased by this,
Not with a grudging spirit, but for their best do truly wish.
And He will bless you with a peace that pain cannot destroy,
And by the grace of God our own grace it does employ.
Exchange your pain for prayer for a closer walk with Christ,
And do it every day of your earthly walk of life.
For God has made a promise and His word is always true,
There’ll be no more pain or death, when in heaven we’re made new.
Oft’ times pain brings us to our knees, the greatest place to be,
Without it I might not see just what faith reveals to me.
What it reveals – a Loving God, who gives and wants our best,
And when He calls us home to Him, from pain He’ll give us rest.


Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outwardly we are wasting away,
yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us
an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen,
since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

A note about “The Pain Exchange”: Did you ever think about the fact that as soon as you come into this world someone smacks you on the bum and the only thing that changes after that is the frequency and intensity? Life is tough and no one is immune to troubles, pain and heartache. You might think that so-and-so has got it made, but everyone has their share of troubles. The concept of praying for those who hurt us was given to us directly from Jesus by His Word and by example. Notice I said concept. Not with Him, for with Christ it was very much a reality. But it remains simply a concept within our life until we put it into practice, and practice is a fitting word. We receive salvation from God in an instant, but to become more and more like His Son requires an ongoing commitment of prayer and practice. I’ve got a long way to go. Philippians 3:13-14

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