Our Earthly Father’s Story (reveals) Our Heavenly Father’s Glory

Children of adoption, children of flesh,
Children of God, these children are blessed.
For their father’s great love is the unbreakable rock,
It outlasts the rhythm of the beat of life’s clock.
A hand that is firm, yet the tenderest touch,
They love all their children, love them so much.
Whether here by our side or the other side of the door,
The love that we share will never die, that’s for sure.
In sickness and pain, they were there for us then,
And by the grace of our God, may we be there for them.
Our fathers are meant to teach us of Christ,
By their love we are born, by their giving we have life.
They guide us like a shepherd into havens of rest,
But no rest for the weary, for your peace is their quest.
What he has he makes yours, whether wisdom or love,
So that you may pass it on what he received from above.
God as our Father, what a wonderful thought,
Our adoption wasn’t free, but with great price it was bought.
It cost Him His Son – God revealed in man’s form,
Who walked on this earth and was beat from sin’s storms.
Why would God do such, for His creation of clay,
That we’d become His children, on that terrible day?
That day of great suffering by His Son on the cross,
But without such great Love, my soul would be lost.
All Fathers, all children can relate to this gift.
Could you watch a nail pierce through your only child’s wrist?
A father would gladly die for his son,
But who’d give the life of their only one?
For a sinner, a killer, a child abuser or worse,
For all of mankind is under sin’s curse.
Our Father in heaven the greatest Dad ever known,
For the Love on the cross was the greatest Love shown.
Our Father, we love You in a small way we return
The Love that You gave that we never could earn.
And may we love our children just like You Loved us,
And teach them to love You and to You always trust.
What a joy, what a privilege to have a father or to be,
And from this gift from the Father, His great Love we see!


As a father has compassion on his children
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.
Psalm 103:13

A note about “Our Earthly Father’s Story (reveals) Our Heavenly Father’s Glory”: The institution of family does so much to teach us about God’s Kingdom. Some things are better taught in life than from a book. Grace, mercy, faithfulness and perseverance are all attributes of love; and even though no human father is a perfect example of God’s perfect love they are (for the most part) great teachers. My father once told me (during a session of serious head-butting between us) that I would always be his son and he will always be my father, nothing could ever change that. At the time it didn’t mean much, but now it does. To those reborn into God’s family, God makes the same promise and this means more, much more, than the world and every source of comfort it may offer.

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