An Inside Job

Actions of evil is what we call sin,
But is the heart of the matter under our skin?
All crimes have motives; we know this is true,
They all have some reason to carry them through.
Into this world we come naked and bare,
But the moment we’re born, sin is right there.
We inherit this trouble as our parents did too,
Generations it’s passed like a case of the flu.
We cannot control it as much as we try,
If we think that we can we thinks a big lie.
The source of great suffering of death and of pain,
Of wars and of prisons, heartache and shame.
Like a cancerous tumor it grows from inside,
It grows like Jacks beanstalk when it’s indwelling’s denied.
Death comes from sin, sin comes from birth,
It’s the same old sad story all over the earth.
So what is the reason we even exist,
If all that we know fades into the mist.
A mystery indeed beyond mortal thought,
When sins owns our soul it seems all is for naught.
But God has an answer, God has a cure,
It’s born of His Love, its remedy sure.
The wages of sin we all know are death,
God paid them for us with His Sons final breath.
As human yet God no stain marred His soul,
The Love of our God on the cross did unfold.
A perfect atonement in Him was no sin,
The chains that do bind us, broken by Him.
While here on this earth, sin will us still hound,
But it’s power is broken when heaven we’re bound.
So turn your back on your sin and do it with haste,
Every day that you don’t is such a great waste.
And look to Sweet Jesus the ultimate cure,
He heals those of faith and makes their hearts pure.
Now if sin caused our Savior to suffer and die,
Why would one keep on sinning, please tell me why?
As God sits in heaven and looks down from above,
Will He see you do evil or living in love?


For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners,
so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
Romans 5:19

A note about “An Inside Job”: I tried to explain to the children, bad things we do are, in a sense, not sin, but the fruits of sin, which is a condition. The condition is being out of fellowship with God, ignoring Him and putting ourselves in the place where He should be in our lives.

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