Mercy and Grace

Pillars in Heaven on which the great pearl gates swing,
These pillars of God which the angels do sing.
One holds back the hand of judgment and wrath,
The other yields blessing in spite of our past.
One redeems sinners with cloaks tattered and old,
One makes them winners with clothes of spun gold.
Their foundation is Love, a rock solid base.
They’ve been built by the Master, forever in place.
Truth is their cornerstone, which good men employ,
Their capitals support peace, and also great joy.
Inscribed on these pillars in heavenly font,
“God’s Kingdom’s within where no one does want.”
All they may enter who are known by God’s Son,
But those who reject Him, won’t come in, no not one.
Now do you have same pillars at your current abode?
Do you open your gates to those under a load?
Are they built upon love, is it there in your heart?
Do they shine like a lighthouse, and wisdom impart?
Is it eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth?
Or do you give love to others, as you received truth?
The pillars we build are what we will receive,
The Master will help us if we only believe.
The devil he builds a wall of great hate,
These columns you build he’d have you to wait.
But waiting is foolish; the time is at hand,
So begin them at once and follow God’s plan.
The Master Designer builds eternal and strong;
When building His way, you cannot go wrong.
The details are written in His Holy Book,
Just open the pages and take a close look.
These pillars of heaven begin on your own ground.
And reach unto heaven where mercy and grace do abound.


It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.
Romans 9:16

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.
Revelations 22:21

A note about “Mercy and Grace”: Mercy is not getting what we deserve and grace is getting what we don’t deserve. I ought to know, I’ve surely had an overabundance of both in my time. I know who I am and am so grateful to God for His rich blessing of both upon me.

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