The Educated Atheist

A man of great learning, who had lots of degrees,
Had a few questions he brought unto me.
If there is a God, then why is there sin?
Why pain and suffering, are these greater than Him?
Illness and death are everyone’s lot,
Of man and his world, perhaps God’s forgot.
I pondered my answer for smarts I did lack,
His questions at first did take me aback.
I’d trust in the Lord to give me the word,
For I on my own, would look quite absurd.
The grass it is green, the sky is clear blue,
If you chose the colors, what would you choose?
Sin is a product of freedom of choice,
If you have a friend would you own his voice?
The pain and the suffering, we don’t now understand,
But trust God in His wisdom, He has a plan.
Death’s not an ending, but a new start my friend,
A worm makes a butterfly before it’s time ends.
Who is mere man to know God’s high thoughts?
Shall the potter take orders from one of the pots?
God’s not forgotten His Love is sublime,
But we must all trust Him and Him at all times.
God’s voice is a whisper to those who may hear,
So listen most careful His message is clear.
The sun lights the earth and turns night to day,
God’s Son lights the hearts of those who dare pray.
How do we approach this throne of great Light?
When our sins make us filthy, a hideous sight.
God’s Love has power and mighty to save,
The prince and the pauper, the king and the slave.
The blood of our Jesus it cleans us from sin,
It gives us new hearts it cleans from within.
So knowledge is ignorant when it comes to God’s grace,
True wisdom is found in a child’s simple faith.


For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise; they became fools.
Romans 1:21-22

A note about “The Educated Atheist”: What kind of a world is it where a small child’s faith is greater than that of all the accumulated knowledge in all of the world’s great halls of higher education? This one, so get over yourself smarty pants. Luke 10:21

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