The Lord Will Provide

A dog might bite and a cat may scratch,
But a lamb is a lamb and that’s a fact.
A python will squeeze his victim to death,
Squeeze him until he draws his last breath.
But a lamb is a lamb and you can put that to rest.
A horse it will kick and a cow it will gore,
The tiniest gnat through your skin it will bore.
But a lamb is a lamb like I told you before.
A pig will cut you with a slash of his tusk,
A skunk he will trash you with the smell of his musk.
But a lamb is a lamb and that you may trust.
A hen it will peck and a rooster has spurs,
Mother bear will dare tell you which cubs are hers.
But a lamb is a lamb and that is for sure.
A crab it will pinch and a goat it will butt,
Even a deer is mean in a rut.
But a lamb is a lamb and harmless to touch.
So why is our Lord who holds power and might,
Be compared to a lamb, dainty and slight?
How can He who spins the vast world in His hand,
Be compared to the meek and gentle lamb?
He laid down His life without fight, without voice,
He was nailed to a cross by His divine choice.
A legion of angels were at His beck and His call,
But like a lamb for the slaughter He gave it up for us all.
Jesus our Savior so meek and so mild,
Set power and glory aside for a while.
A lamb without defect, unblemished and pure,
In Him we are cleansed, our salvation is sure.
When the angel of death sees your bloody door post,
You will join all God’s children in that heavenly host.
And worship the Lamb, who was slain for all men,
Who by such Supreme Love erased all our sin.
God as a Lamb, my mind cannot embrace,
But His Spirit imparts to my heart this fore taste.


“The fire and wood are here.” Isaac said, “But where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”
And the two of them went on together.
Genesis 22:7-8

A note about “The Lord Will Provide”: Written, I think, the same week I brought a lamb to school (Sunday School). Sorry Mary you didn’t corner that market. I wanted the children to embrace the idea with both the poem and the real lamb, with the idea of God comparing His Son to a lamb. His thoughts are higher than ours for sure.

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