
Our fathers are an image of God up above,
They gave us our life, they gave us their love.
Between father and child there’s no greater bond,
While mothers may cuddle, dads make us strong.
Whether here or away their love remains true,
And our lives they are shaped by the things that they do.
For better or worse, through blessing and curse,
We love them beyond this short time on this earth.
The Almighty in heaven, we refer to as Dad,
To share title with God should make every man glad.
But with such a title there comes a great load,
To teach one’s own children God’s most Holy code.
The new code is Jesus, whose whole life was Love,
He learned from His Father who reigns from above.
A man’s children are copies, exactly like him,
But we shape our mold with either goodness or sin.
How will a man know what his own child will be?
He must look in the mirror and the answer he’ll see.
Our spirit’s life giver is the Creator of all,
Do we call Him Father or heed Satan’s call?
The devil will adopt us and that he does wish,
He tempts with the world there’s gold in his hiss.
But though our Father in heaven corrects with a rod,
All things are good that come from the Father our God.
Now if your father by blood is near or away,
Ask God to protect him whenever you pray.
For he gave you life and made you what you are,
And a part of him is with you, even when he is far.
Oh daddy, I miss you since you have been gone,
But I shed not a tear, for I know I’ve not long
Till we join once again in welcome embrace,
And our love is not distant, but is face to face.
Such a marvelous hope and a shadow in kind,
Of our meeting with God our Father sublime.


Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts,
the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”
Galatians 4:6

A note about “Abba”: I love both my Heavenly Father and my biological father so much. I thank God for this understated tribute to them both. The Bible says we are not to try to communicate with the dead. But every day I ask God if it’s okay to send a message of love to my dad. If it’s not okay, he probably never got the message, but I think according to Hebrews 12:1, he probably did. I’ll find out one day when I hug him again. Oh yes!

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