One On One

Hush now, be very still, shut the world away for an hour.
Know your God, breath in His Love, recharge within His power.
The cares of life, they give us strife, and weary us to the bone,
But peace we’ll find in trying times, for our soul the Master owns.
His Word is a bright lantern, that vanquishes the dark;
And prayer a warming fire, it takes but a mere spark.
Take time for your Maker, He took time to make you.
He Loved you and He cared for you when others would be through.
The healing balm of His Word relieves great pain and stress;
And when it’s calm and no sounds heard, our prayers will surely bless
Others and ourselves, my Friend, as we praise our Savior’s name;
If we don’t take the time for Him, there’s no one else to blame.
Now every hair is numbered, every sparrow’s name is known,
Every prayer though be petty reaches to His throne.
Now God He knows our every thought, what’s on our hearts and minds,
He owns all things, but what he wants is our free will and our time.
Eternal life awaits us, paid with His dear Son’s blood,
Can we give Him but an hour, while the day is but a bud?
How do you feel to be ignored by one who calls you friend?
How does He feel no less indeed, who saved us from our sin?
Do your lips dare utter “thank you,” for bread and daily fare?
Do you appreciate His Love; are you grateful for His care?
When we are used, we feel abused by those with hardened hearts;
So we should raise our voice in praise to Him from whom Love starts.
The time we give to Jesus is no greater time well spent,
There’s nothing better we can do within this mortal tent.
So thank Him on your knees and praise Him when you stand;
Whether sitting or you’re lying down, do it every chance you can.
But take some time for One on One with Him who makes each day.
Read His word and ponder it, see what He has to say.
Ask for wisdom and He will give it, He’s promised this is true;
He has not lied to anyone yet, He will not lie to you.
If your faith is weak, than to Him speak, He rewards all those who ask;
And every day be sure to pray, it’s joy, it’s not a task.
When you spend some time alone with God your whole life will improve.
He’s waiting now, He will not force, it’s up to you to choose.
But time is moving quickly, and time will soon be gone,
Don’t let the devil burn up your time, as he distracts you with his song.
But sing your song to Jesus, who waits to hear your voice,
When choosing how to spend our time, there is no better choice.


Be still and know that I am God.
Psalms 46:10

A note about “One on One”: So good for us, so pleasing to God, it’s a win-win situation. This is the place the devil fights for his life. He will rob you of this time every chance he gets. Whatever you do, do not let him!

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