The Word

Words of comfort, Words of life,
Words far beyond an earthly price.
Word of God that saved my soul,
Upon this Word, I firmly hold.
No man can take them, or ever steal
These Words of truth, Words so real.
The Love of God, no greater Word
Was ever spoken, was ever heard.
The story of His only Son,
Who knew not sin, not even one.
He walked upon this very earth
And came by way of humble birth.
No silver spoon was in His mouth,
No fancy clothes, no fancy house.
How can the King of all there is,
Own not one thing, that He calls His?
These things we hold so near and dear,
They have no future, He made that clear.
But these words He spoke outshine the sun,
Outlast the earth and are never done.
He said He’d die a sinner’s death
And in it all men can find rest.
The prophets before Him told of His life,
Told of His sorrow, told of His strife.
His death was told in great detail,
A thousand years before He was nailed.
On cross of wood, He bore our curse,
No greater pain, there’s nothing worse.
He did this all in greatest Love,
The King of Heaven, who reigns above.
These Words they bring me to my knees,
They’re bent to Him who I would please.
These Words they say that all will bow,
One day all men, but I will now.
For these Words are Him and Him the Word,
The greatest Word I ever heard.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

A note about “The Word”: Usually when I give my wife my rough draft for her to type I say, “That’s a good one.” This one has to be a “good one,” if for no other reason than all the practice I’ve had writing the rhymes for kids’ Bibles. Just kidding! All my “practice” amounts to nil if I’m doing my job, since my job is to take dictation. I hope I don’t let my opinions get in the way. If you start taking your Bible for granted, think of where you would be without it. I’m sure there are many people in this world who have never seen one. What a shame! So many in this nation are merely dust collectors, is yours?

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