Fire Breathin’ Dragon

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can surely kill,
The lethal damage they incur, there is no cure or pill.
A single spark can burn a city right level with the ground,
And a hateful word that’s whispered has a roaring, deafening sound.
It escapes the mouth like demons, who do the devil’s work,
Straight from cold hearts where they reside and on snake tongues they do lurk.
“Watch your mouth”, your Momma says, and Momma she knows best,
But every fool who runs his mouth, Momma’s words they do detest.
A sharpened dagger in the back, their twisting gives great pain,
And like a cancer they do spread, their victims never are the same.
Doctors cannot fix them and wars sometimes are born
From the evil arrows that bring such shame and also such great scorn.
But though fire can destroy the world it can warm one’s weary bones,
And words can heal and reveal the greatest Love that’s ever known.
How differently words can roll off the same tongue,
While some bring forth blessing, some shall spew forth dung.
The words of our Savior give life and greatest hope,
They heal the broken heart and give us strength to cope.
How about your words that come from the depth of your own heart?
Do they invoke a blessing or do poison they impart?
Once they leave your mouth you cannot put them back,
They can paint a pretty picture or turn one’s world to black.
There is no need for flattery and dare not tell a lie,
But if the truth is not so kind, keep your comments locked inside.
A big mouth always has room for a foot that’s oversize,
Sometimes it’s best to keep it shut if one would dare be wise.
So imitate our Jesus whose words were kind and sweet,
And to those you love and those you don’t, make your words a treat.
And you will speak for Jesus and He will speak for you,
Your words tell all about you, what is false and what is true.
And don’t forget to say the words so dear to God and men,
Thank you, and I love you, Lord, and to you my good dear friend.


“What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them,
but what comes out of their mouth that is what defiles them.”
Matthew 15:11

Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.
Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.
The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.
It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire,
and is itself set on fire by hell.
James 3:5-6

A note about “Fire Breathin’ Dragon”: “Out of the mouths of babes,” can come some pretty mean stuff. Don’t remember much about this other than it was some of the Sunday School kids’ pointed barbs at each other inspired this one. Not to mention the fact that the size of my mouth is in direct proportion to my shoe size!

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