Property Dispute

Boundary line in our soul,
On one side’s dung, the other’s gold.
Boundary line in our life,
On one side’s peace, the other strife.
We think what’s ours, we think we own,
But while we breathe, it’s all on loan.
And who then now holds the deed?
You’d do well your contract read.
Does God own most, or barely none?
We’ll know for sure, when this life’s done.
Is the devil Satan your landlord?
He says “it’s yours partner, rest assured.”
Don’t believe his flattering lie,
He’d deceive you, till the day you die.
For both God and Satan and them alone
Are the only ones who truly own
Your life and all your worldly wealth,
All of your possessions, even your health.
But there’s one small chord which we have voice,
We own the right to our free choice.
The boundary lines we’re free to set
With great joy or deep regret.
Do we give God His rightful due?
What Satan says belongs to you.
Or do we heed the devil’s call,
What he calls ours, he owns it all.
The boundary lines within our soul,
Between our God and foe of old.
We give to one and take from the other,
Which way you move them it’s on you, brother.
God’s great Kingdom needs nothing less,
Than all you have to fully bless.
“Deliver us Father from the evil one,
And guard your border till time is done.”


The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power,
but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”
Job 1:12

A note about “Property Dispute”: God is able to do so much in our lives, but here is where we draw the line. He can only do what we let Him. I am not sure that’s totally true though, He has blessed me without measure in spite of myself. One thing is certain though, the more of us we allow Him to have, the better for everybody. Except the devil of course!

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