Old Fetch

Old FetchOld Fetch he was my favorite dog,
He’d fetch a stick, he’d fetch a log.
He’d cross a river; he’d climb a tree,
Where that stick would land, Fetch would be.
He had excitement and determination,
He knew not the word procrastination.
Chase the stick and bring it back,
For finding it he had a knack.
Back and forth, back and forth,
Steady as ants, fast as a horse.
He’d never tired of this game,
That’s how he acquired his fetching name.
He’d lay that stick there at my feet,
In winter’s cold and summer’s heat.
The seeker of a chewed up stick,
His life revolved around this trick.
So what do you chase, what do you seek,
What’s on your mind, what do you speak?
A gnarly stick, a rubber ball,
Are you obsessed with things so small?
God Almighty behind thin veil,
Do you pursue like Fetch or snail?
Perhaps you run the other way,
As Satan throws your life away.
Relentless finds what relentless seeks,
Idols abide in minds so weak.
Chasing rainbows and pots of gold,
Men spend their lives and lose their souls.
When time of chasing for you is done,
What’s your reward, what have you won?
A chewed up stick covered in drool,
The wealth of men, the wealth of fools.
Or life eternal, the greatest prize?
On Jesus Christ, now fix your eyes.


A note about “Old Fetch”: While working at a customer’s house repairing a slate sidewalk, the homeowner’s dog, a young black lab was very enthusiastically making a major pest of himself. I thought that by strategically hiding his stick I could get on with my endeavor. Putting it under a heavy flower pot didn’t work, I have no idea (wasn’t watching) how he moved that with his nose (?) I needed both hands just to tilt it. I did watch him climb an eight foot ladder to get it off the top. It probably grieves God to His heart to see His own children so unenthusiastic about seeking Him and His will in our daily lives. Sometimes the only trick we know is to roll over and play dead.

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