True Freedom

Freedom from worry, freedom from shame,
Our freedom is found in a wonderful Name.
Freedom from guilt, freedom from sin,
Freedom from all the evil we’ve been.
Freedom from sadness, freedom from fear,
Our freedom’s not far, to our hearts it is near.
Freedom from death, free from the grave,
Free from the burdens that make all men slaves.
Free from our past and a future unknown,
Our freedom is present and through Love it is shown.
Freedom from hunger and thirst of the soul,
This freedom is more precious than silver or gold.
Freedom’s not free, for it cost a great price,
The freedom I speak of cost Jesus His life.
This freedom’s eternal, not subject to time,
This freedom unlike any other you’ll find.
Freedom of worship, freedom of praise,
Freedom to God, our thanks we do raise.
Freedom of joy, freedom of peace,
Our freedom by faith will daily increase.
Freedom to serve our God with our love,
Freedom so sweet, it’s a gift from above.
All freedom cost blood, the blood of great men,
And freedom’s greatest of martyrs washed us from our sin.
Freedom’s not bought with money or wealth,
Our freedom comes not with a clean bill of health.
Freedom’s not found outside prison doors,
Freedom’s not there with our finished up chores.
The true freedom we seek is the Spirit of Christ,
This freedom He gives unto men brand new life.
His freedom can break these chains that us hold,
And no man is free until he’s free in his soul.


Now the Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom.
II Corinthians 3:17

As those bound by chains are not all prisoners,
so all those who soar the heights are not free!
Fred Dome

A note about “True Freedom”: When asking a group gathered for Bible study in jail what they wanted the next week’s lesson to be about, one man spoke up instantly; “Freedom!” Every child of God that has been liberated from sin knows that true freedom has nothing to do with our physical circumstances. Some folks I know behind bars are much free-er than some multi-millionaires I know. “So if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

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