
siegeworksSome weary souls build massive walls,
Thick and strong, hard and tall.
A fortress built of fear and sin,
To keep God out and doubt defend.
A wall no mortal man may fell,
It keeps its captives in its shell.
But the Love of God can bring it down,
Without a crash, but the faintest sound.
A sound so soft to touch not the ear,
The sound of sinners humble tears.
Now I lay siege to mighty walls,
While on my knees to Jesus call.
He’s my Fortress, my Tower, my Rock,
Kept safe by angels round the clock.
His Word can break the hardest stone,
And hard hearts melt when His Love is known.
Seven rounds was Jericho’s fate,
But seven times seventy I will wait.
To see the Love of God within
These walls built by the hands of men.
Let them fall and be set free,
And once they’re down you will see.
By faith the promise we can hold,
Of peace and joy within our soul.
Life eternal can start right now,
When Christ breaks through, with His great power.
So don’t be bound in self-made walls,
Hear the voice of Christ, He calls.
To those behind great barricades,
Let them fall, don’t be afraid.
God’s Kingdom’s on the other side,
But to bring them down, you must decide.
He will not raze them by His demand,
But gently knocks to hear your command.
To leave them up and suffer within,
Or tear them down and have life begin.
Life without borders or confining walls,
Let Jesus help you make them fall.


I will tear down the wall
you have covered with whitewash
and will level it to the ground
so that its foundation will be laid bare.
Ezekiel 13:14

A note about “Siege Works”: A friend of mine and his wife had been in jail for a month or more. I had written her about three weeks in a row when I finally went out to the mailbox and saw a letter with her name on the return address. My joy was short-lived when I discovered that the letter was addressed to my wife. She had sent condolences on my father-in-law’s passing. I felt like her not writing me back was a wall she had erected that was a rejection of my good intent. But I soon remembered the Word of the Lord given to Samuel when Israel asked for a king, “it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their King.” I Samuel 8:7

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