The Grandfather Clock

The face of this clock is one eighty-six mil,
Though its hands move like lightning we perceive it as still.
Its rhythm is perfect, no irregular beat,
Its center is fire, the greatest of heat.
Its hand moves full circle at an annual rate,
It begins and it ends at precisely same date.
Its movement is fluid, not a tick to be heard,
Its Maker’s the best, accuracy assured.
No winding or weights is needed at all,
To power the hand that resembles a ball.
Its twelve numbers are months instead of mere hours,
No mind can imagine the might of its power.
And powered by what, given by whom?
It’s never stopped no need to resume.
Its timing is perfect in that we all trust,
But its keeper and Maker Him not so much.
We trust an object that’s glory will fade,
But trust not its Maker by whom it was made.
Some folks believe that He doesn’t exist,
But count on a watch that will fit on their wrist.
Blind to truth and deaf to the facts,
They wallow in ignorance and on Him turn their backs.
What comes around goes around, just like this clock,
And you know the timekeeper won’t always be mocked.
When time is all over now where will you be?
In the arms of Sweet Jesus for eternity?
Or will you soon go where the devil does reign,
A place of great torment, darkness and pain?
Your time of God’s Mercy is right here and right now,
In due time before Jesus every knee it will bow.
Quickly make haste, your sand runs through the glass,
For no one knows when their time will be past.


It is time to seek the Lord.
Hosea 10:12

What I mean brothers, is that the time is short.
1 Corinthians 7:29

A note about “The Grandfather Clock”: Years ago I was building a patio around a large millstone. I was using a fifty foot water hose to form a circle around the stone to screed my sand with. When I got far enough away from stone that the hose was end to end, I found, upon taking a measurement, that I was ninety-three inches from the stone. I remember learning in school that the sun is ninety-three million miles from earth. Fifty times twelve is six hundred. It suddenly occurred to me that in one year the earth travels through space six hundred million miles. I broke that down into per day and then into miles per hour and the whole thing blew my mind. What’s even more mind-boggling than that, is our God who does all this, knows how many hairs are on my head. Well, that’s a bit weak. Let me try again, He know how many hairs are on your head!

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