The Bully

GoliathGoliath was a mountain of a man,
Nine foot plus was how tall he’d stand.
A bully of the fiercest kind,
On a scale to ten he was a ninety-nine.
He taunted God’s own chosen ones,
For one to fight him, but there was none.
This giant gave them all great fear,
He’d kick some butt, he made that clear.
But Jesse’s son, a boy named Dave,
Was young and small, but mighty brave.
David said, “Do not lose heart,
This fight I’ll finish that he did start.
I’ve killed a lion; I’ve killed a bear,
I’ll drop this brute on his dare.
My God protects me for I have faith,
I’ll put Goliath in his place.”
Five smooth stones and his sling,
Is all the little boy did bring.
“Am I a dog”, Goliath said,
“That you come with a stick and wish me dead?
I’ll feed you to the birds and beasts,
You’ll be a snack, not a feast.”
But David said, “You can’t fight the Lord,
You are no match with spear and sword.
For He’s my strength and He’s my shield,
He’ll bring you down on this battlefield.”
Dave loads his sling with one hard stone,
And sent it into that thick skull bone.
The giant fell and hit the ground like lead,
And Dave removed that giant’s head.
Now bullies sometimes can’t seem to lose,
But God is greater than size twenty shoes.
A pebble is mightier than a sword,
When blessed by faith in Christ our Lord.
Now evil may prevail on earth,
But sin won’t win for it’s a curse.
For God gives His children eternal life,
A bully can’t take that with gun or knife.
Jesus said to pray for them,
That’s what He did when they hurt Him.
A bully’s deeds return to him double,
The trap he lays becomes his trouble.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall,
When compared to God a giant’s small.
So when someone would ruin your day,
Turn to God and for them pray.
Forgive them, God, they don’t realize
My Father’s strength, power and size.


David said to the Philistine,
“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin,
but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty,
the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
I Samuel 17:45

A note about “The Bully”: A lady in my church asked if I could write a poem about this subject of bullying being that it is so prevalent among youth today. This is especially true in this computer age where one of little stature can also be a tyrant. Kids can be cruel. As soon as the words left her mouth I knew exactly who this would be based on. One of the biggest bullies in history who was also the epitome of the stereotypical bully, Goliath. “Not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s….” I Samuel 17:47. Big words from a little boy in the face of gigantic odds. Funny thing for defense, this nine foot plus giant had a bronze helmet, a coat of armour that weighed about one hundred twenty-five pounds; bronze shin guards and a shield with someone to tote it for him. David had his shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16). I don’t know about you, but it kind of shames me to have the pygmies of life putting fear in my heart when such an awesome God is behind me.

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