Smokescreen (Hides Eternity)

Oh how the past devours the present, our lives are but as smoke,
The future of our earthly journey, it’s permanence a joke.
Fleeting as the morning dew it’s there and then it’s not,
And by all wealth and worldly means, it surely won’t be bought.
Death awaits most patiently, his day will surely come,
And days of man God only knows the total of their sum.
Days of sunshine, days of rain,
Days of pleasure, days of pain.
All we work for on this earth,
Only has an earthly worth.
Temporary, whether days or years,
Into the grave it ends in tears.
“All is vanity” said a man so wise,
“All men’s work, just like him dies.”
Meaningless our life on earth, all destined for the tomb,
I hate to sound so negative, an attitude of gloom.
But all we are, all we know,
All we build, all we sow,
Turns to ash by fire of time,
To not see this, you must be blind.
But within Christ’ is eternity,
By faith one see’s infinity.
All in Him will live forever,
There is no end, no not never.
Treasure in heaven, has eternal reward,
We’re bound to Him by eternal Cord.
The Cord the mighty Love of God,
That brought His Son from ‘neath the sod.
And it shall bring us forth as well,
Saves us from the depths of hell.
So you must ask your heart of this,
Where do you find your hope, your bliss?
In worldly goods and passing pleasure,
Or in the King and eternal treasure?
Put your hand to the Master’s plow,
For time does fly and the time is now.
So leave the things of this world behind,
And embrace His Kingdom that surpasses time.


For who knows what is good for a person in life,
during the few and meaningless days
they pass through like a shadow?
Who can tell them what will happen under the sun
after they are gone?
Ecclesiastes 6:12

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,
where moths and vermin destroy
and where thieves break in and steal.
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where moths and vermin do not destroy,
and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21

A note about “Smokescreen”: How the things of this world blind us to what God would want us to possess. Solomon was so right about this temporary world and all that’s in it being meaningless. Needless to say we all have physical duties and responsibilities, but do we view them with an old saying my dad used to quote, “do we live to eat or do we eat to live?” Not much difference to the stomach, but all the differences in the world to the heart which God examines. “Only one life twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” (Author unknown) What’s in your range finder?

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