
No one can tear asunder, the mercy, grace and wonder,
The peace and joy of life, the Love of God in Christ.
Life itself can’t do it and neither can my death,
His Love will still abide with me after my last breath.
Even angels His Love can’t separate from this mortal man,
And demons with all their hate can’t disrupt God’s Love plan.
Our dirty past or present task can’t keep us from His Love,
And the future is our hope, to live with Him above.
No power in all heaven and earth is greater or is stronger,
And all the sum of eternity is not one iota longer
Than the Love of God found in Christ,
That saves from death and gives us life.
Love that warmed my heart so cold,
That overflows from in my soul.
No matter how much we aspire,
There’s nothing that is any higher.
No matter how deep we go,
It reaches down to depths so low.
And brings us up and brings us out,
In spite of all our foolish doubt.
There’s nothing yet to be made,
That will cause God’s Love to fade.
Nothing in all God’s creation,
That will cause His Love’s cessation.
Through every trouble, every strife,
His Love makes conquerors in this life.
And when we strike our tents one day,
His Love awaits His Word does say.
In heaven’s gates where I shall be,
And I’ll love Him and He’ll Love me
No greater bond shall ever be known,
Than the Love of God to me He’s shown.


No, in all these things we are more
than conquerors through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:37-39

A note about “Inseparable”: One of my (if not the) most favorite promises in the Bible. I wrote these verses down and gave it to my father shortly after he learned he had terminal brain cancer. I also gave it to a friend while he was on his deathbed. Though it should give comfort to those dying, how much more should it comfort those living in this troublesome world? A promise is never any better than the one who makes it. With this in mind (and heart) we can be no less than what God intended us to be and that is undoubtedly a high calling.

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