The BAAAAD Shepherd

The shepherds of the sheep, are they dead or fast asleep?
They lead the flock down a path that’s both broad and very steep.
God’s word they don’t discern and the people do not learn,
To love and obey their hearts from these they very quickly spurn.
End time Pharisees they claim to, but cannot see,
Their misunderstanding of the Scripture on this I can’t agree.
Tell them what they want to hear, the truth it hurts and causes fear,
Water it down, and butter ‘em up and make sure that you tickle their ears.
Pretzel logic, twisted talk, backpedaled steps and a crooked walk,
The gospel of prosperity it’s a profitable thing for them to hawk.
Fill the coffers, fill the pews, for we proclaim the lukewarm news,
Offer them the easy road or the people you may lose.
Religious leaders in Christ day held over the people the greatest sway,
And laziness corrupts this age for people now buy what they say.
Take God’s book and read it and to your children feed it,
And most all put it in your heart and from there you must heed it.
Take not for granted mouths of men for every man is prone to sin,
God’s Spirit teaches all who ask, with Love the truth He will defend,
God’s Holy prophets from days of old, gave God their hearts, their mind, their soul,
No compromise with lies and sin, but to the truth they’d firmly hold.
If we had such a prophet here today, would we dare hear what he would say,
Or would we all like moon pulled tide, slowly, surely turn away?
Sin ain’t what it used to be, it’s still bad to some degree,
But do the shepherds view it as our Holy God does see?
No one knows what is meant by the antique word repent,
But don’t worry God will forgive, that’s why Jesus He was sent.
So tell me shep do you understand the Father’s grieved by sins of man,
What’s not of love, what’s not of faith is like a house built on sand.
So do not build the house of God on sandy, unpacked sod,
In wisdom build it on the rock and stay the path that Jesus trod.
All shepherds of the sheep please consult God before you speak,
For like all men when your life ends, what you sowed is what you’ll reap.


This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
“I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock.
I will remove them from tending the flock
so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves.
I will rescue my flock from their mouths,
and it will no longer be food for them.”
For this is what the Sovereign LORD says:
“I myself will search for my sheep and look after them.”
Ezekiel 34:10-11

A note about “The Baaad Shepherd”: Jesus was more direct and to the point with the religious leaders of His day than what we would call, “the worst of sinners.” Selective reading of the Holy Scriptures and the ways of the world are infecting the church at an increasing and alarming rate. Many of the ones leading the flock have strayed off the path with the flock right behind them. I’m not pointing a finger at a particular denomination, a local congregation or any individual in particular, but if the shoe fits… If the parishioners will not walk in the truth, then walk alone. You will soon find out you are not alone after all.  I Kings 19:14-18

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