Gateway To This World

Women of faith, wearing pure white,
Where men fail to see, their faith is their sight.
Though men show not mercy unto their foe,
The woman of faith, will grace do bestow.
Though Moses neglected to do what was known,
His wife intervened and mercy was shown.
A woman gave birth to Christ our sweet Savior,
A man had no part, God gave woman this favor.
It was women, who first saw our Lord when He rose,
Women not men for this occasion God choose.
Women raise children, God’s plan from the start,
For patience and kindness come forth from their heart.
A woman with child like a bear with a cub,
Neither you’d dare the wrong way to rub.
They pray for their men, in duty and love,
To God up in heaven, as He looks from above.
They tote heavy load, yet carry the blame.
They gain not much credit, oh what a shame.
I heard it said often now my word you must heed,
The best man for the job is a woman indeed.


Charm is deceptive and beauty if fleeting,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

A note about “Gateway to this World”: Written for Women’s Day at Church (I think?). I lost a bet many years ago with a friend. I said that Eve bit the apple first, and he said she gave it to Adam. Confucius says, “Never argue feminine topics with one who wears a dress.” He didn’t then, but last I heard, he is now.

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