Seek to give pure joy to Jesus with no thought unto your own,
May the minutes of our life be cast unto His Throne.
He has given His All to us, holding back not His last breath,
The time we spend it soon will end will prove to be a test.
Of our love for Jesus whose suffering set us free,
Will you increase His pain and woe, or give Him joy and glee?
He has Loved us unconditionally, just like a wayward child,
Do our lives touch His heart and give Him chance to smile?
We love Him ‘cause He Loved us while we were still deep in sin,
His Love surpasses the greatest love of other mortal men.
So, we should seek His pleasure and fret not for our self,
Attend His joy in faithfulness and put ours upon the shelf.
For He is due all honor, worship and great praise,
And every action, word and thought unto Him we should raise.
His throne is high in heaven, but may it also be in my heart,
And may He rule its entirety, not just a little part.
He has no need for diamonds, for wealth or meager gold,
What gives Him greatest joy from us is to give Him heart and soul.
I shall not hold back anything as He has done for all,
And I will listen faithfully when my name He does call.
Speak to me, sweet Jesus, for your servant is all ears.
And what He said removed all dread and dried up all my tears.
“The words I speak, in your heart keep, for joy of fullest measure,
The joy that you gave unto Me will be your greatest treasure.”
And so it is, that what we give returns a hundredfold,
And to see the Master’s smiling face, no greater joy I’ll ever hold.


“I am coming to you now,
but I say these things while I am still in the world,
so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.”
John 17:13

Whoever finds their life will lose it,
and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
Matthew 10:39

A note about “Joy (Jesus Over Yourself)”: That elusive thing that the whole world is looking for can only be ours when we give it away. Just as the Master taught, “The measure that you use will be measured to you.” Easy to conceive, a little more difficult to do (sometimes), but definitely tried and true.

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