Thank you, God, for I am forgiven,
From all my evil sinful livin’.
By Blood of Christ I’ve been set free
From chains of sin forged by me.
Free from guilt, free from shame,
By faith and repentance in Jesus Name.
Forgiven, Forgiven.
All my life without my Christ, I’ve been livin’.
As He forgave, I must too,
It’s what forgiven souls must do.
If you would take than you should give,
A grudge makes life hard to live.
When we are owed outstanding debt,
To let it go will cease all regret.
Forgiven, Forgiven.
All my life without my Christ, I’ve been livin’.
Forgiven for the pain I caused,
Unto God when I broke His laws.
Forgiven by the Blood of Christ,
Who by His death secured me Life.
Life forever in heaven above,
By sweetest mercy, grace and Love.
No one has ever done me worse,
Than I’ve done to God, oh what a curse.
Our mighty Christ and precious Savior,
Has gave me Love and greatest favor.
Even though I’ve grieved His heart,
His daily grace gives me daily start.
Forgiven, Forgiven.
All my life without my Christ, I’ve been livin’.
Forgiven, Forgiven,
All my life without my Christ, I’ve been livin’.


Thankfully, God does not punish us for our sins and depravity as we deserve.
In His mercy, He tempers justice with peace.
Measure how high heaven is above the earth;
God’s wide, loving, kind heart is greater for those who revere Him.
You see, God takes all our crimes—our seemingly inexhaustible sins—and removes them.
As far as east is from the west, He removes them from us.
Psalm 103:10-12 (The Voice)

A note about “Forgiven”: The fact that a born again believer stands forgiven before the Ultimate Judge is probably taken for granted as much, or more than, any other benefit we receive from God. Our forgiveness came with an immeasurable price (Matthew 26:28) According to Mark 14:36 it could not be done any other way. How ironic that it takes the worst kind of sinner to get a deeper sense of God’s Love. Luke 7:47. I know this first hand (I Timothy 1:15-17) I call Luke 7:47 the jumbo verse partly in light of the huge airliner of the same number, but more because of its huge relevance to my life.

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