From near and far the people came,
The blind, the deaf, the sick, the lame.
They met the Master at the boat,
Within His hand He held their hope.
Five thousand men, they came in faith,
With their woman and children to seek His grace.

Sweet Jesus, my Provider,
My Best Friend and my Confider.
The Source of all my every need,
Each promise He gave is guaranteed.
In the emptiness of nothing,
He surprises us with blessing.
He feeds the hunger within my soul,
With some to share for its more than I can hold.

The day began to slip away,
When Christ heard His disciples say,
We’ve only two fish, five loaves of bread,
How can this hungry crowd be fed?
He said, “You feed them” and thanks He raised,
He fed them all; and all were amazed.

Sweet Jesus, my Provider,
My Best Friend and my Confider.
The Source of all my every need,
Each promise He gave is guaranteed.
In the emptiness of nothing,
He surprises us with blessing.
He feeds the hunger within my soul,
With some to share for its more than I can hold.

In the desert He’s the rain,
He’s my joy within my pain.
He brings me water from the stone,
The Greatest Love ever known.
He’s my manna, my white clothes,
My cup forever overflows.
He’s my joy, He is my peace,
Every day the measure does increase.

Are you tired, do you hunger?
Where is relief, do you wonder?
Though you are looking all around,
It seems as nothing can be found.
Look on Christ who meets our every need,
Do you think He’d forsake you when for you He did bleed?

Sweet Jesus, my Provider,
My Best Friend and my Confider.
The Source of all my every need,
Each promise He gave is guaranteed.
In the emptiness of nothing,
He surprises us with blessing.
He feeds the hunger within my soul,
With some to share for its more than I can hold.


Command those who are rich in this present world
not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth,
which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God,
who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
1 Timothy 6:17

A note about “The Great Provider”: Invited to play at a church that I played at a year before that I wrote a song pertaining to the sermon (Kingdom Living), I asked what the sermon would be about this year. The music director told me Matthew 14:14-21. I wrote this and about two weeks before the date she emailed me and said there was a mistake. It was Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus Walking, on the water. It was not a mistake. God’s plans are not always our plans, but His are always right. He provided me with another great poem, great tune and music to “Wave Walker” all in short order.

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