You have no right to remain silent, you children of the King;
If your soul’s been bought by His sweet Blood you can, you must now sing.
The mouth of hell is open wide devouring souls of men;
If you don’t post a warning sign their fate becomes your sin.

Sing it from the rooftops; shout it in the street,
The time will come for every soul, their Maker they will meet.
If you believe in heaven, if you believe in hell,
Your voice cannot be silent, for others you must tell.

You have no right to your own self; you must take up your cross,
For what we give up for Jesus is purest gain and not a loss.
Both life and limb are temporary, only good for earthly days,
To give them up for love of Him, is our highest praise.

Sing it from the rooftops; shout it in the street,
The time will come for every soul, their Maker they will meet.
If you believe what Jesus said than give to Him your all,
When He asks you for a sacrifice heed Him when He calls.

You’ve every right of God’s own child, for that is what you be;
When you trust in the Blood of Jesus, cleans your soul and sets you free.
A mansion and a Kingdom await those found in Christ,
Peace and joy, grace and mercy will see us through this life.

You have no right for boasting on any good you’ve done,
The only claim that we can name, is Jesus, God’s own Son.
For He is all our goodness, our righteousness, our hope,
We all were spiritually bankrupt, penniless and broke.

Sing it from the rooftops; shout it in the street,
The time will come for every soul, their Maker they will meet.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, that He’s the only Way,
Then thank Him for your God given right every time you pray.


But we did not use this right.
On the contrary, we put up with anything
rather than hinder the gospel of Christ.
1 Corinthians 9:12

A note about “We Have No Right but Jesus”: Lots of talk these days about equal rights. For all races, for those who pursue a sexual identity contrary to God’s Holy Word and even for animals. You can still eat them, but you can’t speak to them in a derogatory fashion. But as Christians, we give up every right that the rest of the world lays claim to. That doesn’t sound good until we consider how temporary, minuscule and unimportant these so-called rights are “compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord.” Philippians 3:8

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