True faith is shown in action by what we say and what we do,
The words we use, the deeds we choose reveal if our faith is true.
Many claim faith in God, but walk the devil’s path,
Real faith won’t walk that highway, its destination wrath.
Words can be deceitful, not always what they appear,
Love should be the heart of all good deeds, but that’s not always clear.
But faith does serve the living God, not ego and not self,
Whatever serves God’s Kingdom is considered greatest wealth.
The soul that has faith in God, in Him and Him alone,
Puts no trust in their mind or body or anything they own.
But faith sometimes seems foolish to the natural mind,
We’re used to walking with our sight; faith to us seems as blind.
But God is ever watching where we’ve been and where we go,
And though His roads are often fearful, each step we take He knows.
Yes, faith will move your hands and feet in heed to Jesus’ call,
It never will be satisfied until you give your all.
Anything less is just a guess in God it has not root,
A monkey’s still a monkey, though you dress him in a suit.
No one can please God above without His gift of faith,
It starts as just a seed and grows with love and grace.
Feed it with obedience and exercise it every day,
Keep God’s Word before your eyes and don’t forget to pray.
And it will grow within your soul just like a mighty tree,
And God’s mercy, Love and goodness will be there for you to see.
Beauty of the highest order though many see it not,
And though you’ve not a penny, the best you’ve surely got.
No man can steal the faith that’s real, no trouble will prevail,
It’s our connection to our God and Him and His will never fail.
So, put your faith in God above and His Son Lord Jesus Christ,
Trust Him with you whole world, your mind, your heart, your life.
If faith is true the things you do will shine just like a light,
In this dark world where the blind do stumble it just may give them sight.


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for
and assurance about what we do not see. …
And without faith it is impossible to please God,
because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists
and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
Hebrews 11:1, 6

A note about “The Face of Faith”: The Book of James says faith without works is dead. Our works will not save us, but they sure reveal our heart. Talk is cheap, but we find the real deal when the rubber hits the road. How many people, pastors and Churches have ripped Matthew 25:31-46 (the sheep and the goats) out of their Bibles? If you are guilty of this, you better go buy yourself a new Bible. Read it and heed it! I think this is more of a prophecy than a parable.

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