AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE (The Other Good Samaritan)

Ten men sought the Master out,
They all had faith, without a doubt.
They looked to Him for sweet relief,
Their lives were lonely and filled with grief.
Disfigured from an awful curse,
Their days had gone from bad to only worse.

Now pity had filled Jesus heart,
And healing He would soon impart.
He told them to the priest now go,
And to the priest they all must show
The cleansing of their ravaged skin.
Not just one, but all ten suffering men.

Jesus gave these men brand new life,
Not by chance, but by power of Christ.
They owed Him thanks and we do too,
Think just what He’s done for you,
Remember just what He’s done for you.

Ten were healed, but only one returned,
Great gratitude within his heart did burn.
He threw himself at Jesus feet,
This foreigner was made complete.
And may the attitude of gratitude we all learn.

So, do you thank Him for all He does,
His grace and mercy and sublime Love?
Or do you take His gift and run,
And thanks and praise give Him none?
Most have faith in darkest hour,
But fail to thank Him for His grace and power.

Jesus gave these men brand new life,
Not by chance, but by power of Christ.
They owed Him thanks and we do too,
Think just what He’s done for you,
Remember just what He’s done for you.


Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed?
Where are the other nine?

Luke 17:17

A note about “An Attitude of Gratitude:” Every year at the beginning of November the local newspaper asks readers to write in to tell what they are thankful for. I always try to send in a poem relevant to the subject. This year I decided I would address this with the opposite point of view: ingratitude. You know all these men that were healed of leprosy (no less) had to have been overjoyed and grateful, however they did not do anything to show Jesus their gratitude except for one man. Where do you see yourself in this? I went in to thank the editor (owner) of the newspaper to give her thanks for publishing my poems and asked her, “was it only five people who wrote to the paper about what they were thankful for?” “Yes,” was her sad reply. Seems that the one out of ten ratio has changed to one in ten thousand.

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