Do not seek eternity in passing things of earth,
Corruption is their nature as time reveals their worth.
The only thing of permanence of this world we know,
Is the winds of change, incessant they do blow.
Do not seek possessions or they may possess you,
You can’t take money with you when life on earth is through.

If you’d like a glimpse of eternity,
Climb Jacob’s ladder and in faith you’ll see,
As millions of angels going up and down,
It reaches from heaven to your hometown.
Its rungs are Love, mercy and grace,
We climb so high in trust and faith.
It’s the One true way to the real good life,
This Ladder is our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jacob had a dream one dark and lonely night,
Of a ladder full of angels, oh what a glorious sight.
Messengers of God, going up and coming down,
Then Jacob looked up as he heard the greatest awesome sound.
It was God at the top and He said to Jacob down below,
I’m with you, I’ll watch over you wherever you will go.

If you’d like a glimpse of eternity,
Climb Jacob’s ladder and in faith you’ll see,
As millions of angels going up and down,
It reaches from heaven to your hometown.
Its rungs are Love, mercy and grace,
We climb so high in trust and faith.
It’s the One true way to the real good life,
This Ladder is our Savior, Jesus Christ.

If you’d like to dream that dream that Jacob had that night,
That dream becomes reality when faith it is our sight.
And we may join the angels in their upward climb,
Where eternity awaits us the hope of all mankind.
Ascending ever higher until we reach God’s Throne,
And as we rise to such great calling we do not climb alone.

If you’d like a glimpse of eternity,
Climb Jacob’s ladder and in faith you’ll see,
As millions of angels going up and down,
It reaches from heaven to your hometown.
Its rungs are Love, mercy and grace,
We climb so high in trust and faith.
It’s the One true way to the real good life,
This Ladder is our Savior, Jesus Christ.


He then added,
“Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open,
and the angels of God ascending and descending
on the Son of Man.”
John 1:51

A note about “Jacob’s Ladder:” After hearing the song (Song of Blessing) for my granddaughter Olivia, my grandson, Jacob, asked if I’d write one for him. This was the initial motivation for this one. But in writing this I realized the tie between the story of Jacob’s dream (Genesis 38:10-17) and Jesus’ profound statement (John 1:53). Jesus is the Stairway from heaven, and He is the Gate. Genesis 28:17, John 10:9, There was a hit song from the 70’s called, “Stairway to Heaven.” That title gives the idea that it was built on earth towards heaven’s direction. Much like the Tower of Babel, Genesis 11:1-9 or like religion, which is man’s attempt to reach God on man’s terms. Stairway from Heaven descends to earth so we can ascend above.

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