The stone was rolled, the grave was opened,
A body once cold has death’s power broken.
It could not keep the Son of God,
He will not sleep beneath the sod.
He stepped out into morning’s light,
I have no doubt in God’s delight.
Real hope He gives to all mankind,
Our Savior lives and real life we find.

Out of the darkness and into the light,
Into my heart, what a glorious sight.
His body was raised as mine will be too,
His Name ever praised as He makes all things new.
Christ Man Sublime conquered the grave,
Jesus Divine has power to save.

So, what have we, to do with His death,
Look and see if you fail the test.
A single sin is all it takes
For us, my friend, guilty makes.
As guilty as those who drove the nails,
Who callously chose His side to impale.
But He died for them and also us,
To defeat death and sin, in this we trust.

Out of the darkness and into the light,
Into my heart, what a glorious sight.
His body was raised as mine will be too,
His Name ever praised as He makes all things new.
Christ Man Sublime conquered the grave,
Jesus Divine has power to save.

We live a lie from cradle to grave,
Christ did die for us to save.
He rose again to justify,
We’ll rise again though this body die.

Now we look ahead to a coming day,
When all the dead no longer lay.
In the sea and under the earth,
It will be a worldwide rebirth.
Some to disgrace and eternal shame,
Some to a place where we praise God’s Name.
Resurrection Day for Christ, then us,
May all people pray, in God we trust.

Out of the darkness and into the light,
Into my heart, what a glorious sight.
His body was raised as mine will be too,
His Name ever praised as He makes all things new.
Christ Man Sublime conquered the grave,
Jesus Divine has power to save.


He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.
Come and see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28:6

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake:
some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens,
and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.
Daniel 12:2-3

A note about “Resurrection Day:” The first time I heard this term instead of “Easter”, was not in church, not from a preacher, but from a lady cook in a restaurant we used to frequent. She was bringing out food to the buffet. Although I was not following Jesus wholeheartedly at the time, this true reference to this great event stuck in my mind. To the believer the word Easter reminds us of Jesus’ resurrection. But to the unbeliever it makes them think of candy, eggs, and bunnies. The term Resurrection Day spells it out for what it truly is and the insignificant things are forgotten. He is Risen!

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