The Highest Plane

Onward and upward to a higher plane,
This for years you have been trained,
For knowledge the key to a better life,
Dedication and study are its hefty price.
And graduation is not the journey’s end,
But a step from the past as a new step begins.
True wisdom is not found in knowledge, but faith.
A child grows apart from this when worldly knowledge they taste.
The facts of this world beneficial to know,
But faith is a wonder when in hearts it grows.
It takes us to the highest attainable plane,
To the Kingdom of God where His Majesty reigns.
Forget not the Maker of heaven and earth,
For His value is greater than creation’s sum worth.
God says, where there is knowledge it will soon pass away,
But faith, hope and love will remain this life’s stay.
Continue to learn for within knowledge is power,
But remember the time, life seems to pass in an hour.
For the greatest test, that has ever been known,
Is the question God asks when we stand ‘fore His Throne?
All the days of your life, do you consider your Maker,
Sometimes the smartest of people forget He’s their Taker.
Love Him in faith while there’s breath in your chest,
Till you know Him and His Son, take not a rest.
For the greatest knowledge we’ll ever learn in this life,
Is the knowledge of God and His Son Jesus Christ.


Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

A note about “The Highest Plane:” I saw in the local paper that four girls who were once in my Sunday School class were high school graduates in the class of 2019. Graduation is not an end, but another beginning. The knowledge of the Eternal God will always be an Eternal pursuit. We should graduate to a higher level every day. Don’t stop! Don’t back up which some seem to do. To know Him is to love Him. To know Him more is to love Him more.

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