
In the deepest dungeon, in the darkest night,
Within my soul floods the brightest of lights.
Neither Satan, nor man’s shadow can possibly dim,
It’s the glory of God and shines from within.
It was bought by my Savior with a terrible price,
It cost Him no less than His unblemished life.
In the heart of the slave, its brilliance does shine,
He’s free as a bird though chains his feet bind.
His Master is rich and lacks not one thing,
Except for this light which makes his slave sing.
It shines from the soul and turns night to day,
And guides us through trouble and shows us the way
To joy and to peace like the world doesn’t know,
Cause there’s nothing on earth that makes my heart glow.
It cannot be hid, yes I cannot contain,
It shines to the outside to others’ disdain.
They’d rather their evil remain in the dark.
They hate just a glimmer, abhor a mere spark.
But some will glad welcome a new chance to see,
To dance in the light and set their souls free.
What will you do, will you grope about blind?
Or let the light in and let God’s Love shine?
It’s all of the difference between night and day,
And all that’s required is simply to pray.
“Oh Jesus a sinner I am and have been,
Forgive me my ways of evil and sin.
Come into my life, I want a fresh start,
And let your light shine in the depth of my heart.”


For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39

A note about “Lovelight”: I love this one, God’s Love! God’s laws are as real, as binding, as the laws of nature. They are exact and they can’t be changed or tampered with; but God’s Love trumps His law. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t remove it. It supersedes the law, how? Jesus!

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