Do Jesus you call Master, have you made Him King?
No matter if you’re a pastor or greatest gifts you bring.
For He is not impressed with status or with giving,
Is His Lordship now confessed with your speaking and your living?
Do you live a holy life or compromise with sin?
Do you obey the Living Christ, or do you just pretend?
For He can see now every heart discern it with His eyes,
He looks into the deepest part to Him there’s no surprise.
For many claim to love Him and love Him with their all,
But they sometimes seem to snub Him whenever He does call.
He demands no less than everything, all you are and all you own,
Have you crowned Him your life’s King; is your heart His royal throne?
Praise from lips is very good, but how now is your walk,
Do you do just what you should or is your faith all talk?
The Pharisee’s were righteous men when they looked into the mirror,
But Jesus said their hearts were sin and soon they’d face great terror.
Religion isn’t always good; sometimes it’s just a curse.
And when our hearts are stiff as wood, it makes our lives much worse.
Church is just but once a week, how do you spend the rest?
For every word that you speak don’t you know it is a test?
All words and deeds are written down; God knows them every one,
And when we hear the trumpet’s sound, we’ll stand before His Son.
We’ll answer for the way we lived and did Him we obey,
Did we give Him what was His in our time of earthly days?
The sum of all we did for Christ we take when we do go,
But all the earthly things in life we leave on earth below.
Think of what He gave you, friend, not part but all He had,
And as He erased your every sin, you really should be glad.
And as you’re moved by love for God think of what you owe,
You cannot repay, oh man of sod, but your love will surely grow.
Grow to sweet surrender of holding nothing back at all,
And everything you render to Him, it’s actually quite small.
What Jesus really treasures, is your total heart and soul,
May you forsake the pleasure of the world and all its gold.
Like a soldier with half his fight,
Like the smoldering wick of the dimmest light,
A lukewarm soul for Jesus Christ,
Not hot, not cold, but a wasted life.


“You are the salt of the earth.
But if the salt loses its saltiness,
how can it be made salty again?
It is no longer good for anything,
except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

Matthew 5:13

So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold
—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Revelation 3:16

A note about “Tepid and Insipid”: Bible scholars declare the messages that Jesus gave to seven churches in the second and third chapter of Revelation are individual messages to the church (the worldwide body of believers) throughout the ages since His first coming. Upon reading the message of the church of Laodicea we get the idea that they must be on to something. This description of the Church of Laodicea certainly fits the church of today. There’s an old saying that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing and the same can be said for religion. Although I don’t care for the word religion, (it seems to imply man seeking God on man’s terms) it seems to fit here. Jesus demanded one hundred percent, and anything less is devoid of the will of God and is man doing things his own way. How sad that in a day and age where Satan’s influence runs rampant through the media and advanced technology that God’s people have become watered down with the ways of the world. If we truly believe God’s Word, in heaven and hell and His sublime Love for us; our will, our desires and every fiber of our being will belong to Him without having to think about it, without considering the consequences of it and it is contagious. Want to catch it, exercise your faith in love! Want to transmit it, exercise your faith in love!

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