The disciples all jumped in the boat for a sail across the lake,
And when the waves and wind picked up, they feared they made a mistake.
For Jesus wasn’t with them, they left Him behind to pray,
And as they strained against the oars, they longed to see the day.
Wave Walker, Peace Talker,
He strides in peace on angry wave,
The eye on Him, He will surely save.
For He had calmed a storm before with the power of His Word,
Now this time He was absent, and their souls were quite disturbed.
If all that wasn’t bad enough, they thought they saw a ghost,
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, they were far from nearest coast.
Wave Walker, Peace Talker,
He strides in peace on angry wave,
The eye on Him, He will surely save.
Jesus said, “Take courage; don’t fear for it is Me.”
He was walking on the water upon the raging sea.
Peter said to Jesus, “Master bid me come to Thou,
For if it’s really You, I’ll jump this ship and walk right now.”
Jesus, He said, “Come” and Peter stepped upon a wave,
Pete had no power unto himself, but the power Jesus gave.
Now Peter was a sinner just like me and you,
But with his eyes upon the Savior, he had Christ’s power too.
Walking on the water, what a feat for mortal man,
Upon the raging stormy sea old Peter made his stand.
But when he looked around him and took his eyes off Christ,
He began to quickly sink and cried out for his life.
“Jesus, Master save me,” said Pete as he sank down,
His faith had turned to fear as he thought that he would drown.
So, Jesus took him by the hand, Simon Peter He did save,
He rescued him from his sin and from a watery grave.
“Ye of little faith,” Christ said, “Why did you ever doubt?”
And does He say the same to us when storms are all about?
We can weather any storm when eyes are fixed on Him,
We can walk on storm tossed waves no need for us to swim.
But when we see our troubles, our gaze has left His face,
We sink up to our neck and we holler for His grace.
It’s simpler and easier to keep our eyes on Him,
And not to do this we must realize is stupid and a sin.
Wave Walker, Peace Talker,
He strides in peace on angry wave,
The eye on Him, He will surely save.
But better to cry out, “Lord save me,” before we slip below,
For many foolish souls do perish, their cry for help too slow.
So, keep your eyes on Jesus, your God-given eyes of faith,
And you will walk on raging storm for He will give you grace.
Wave Walker, Peace Talker,
He strides in peace on angry wave,
The eye on Him, He will surely save.
Don’t focus on your troubles for that will bring you down,
But if you sink, cry out to Him, He’ll keep you safe and sound!


Fixing our eyes on Jesus,
the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
For the joy set before him he endured the cross,
scorning its shame,
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2

A note about “Wave Walker”: How often we try to ride life’s storms out with our own rickety boats only to be terrified from what seems to be inevitable disaster. Sometimes we have to do the seemingly insane and step out of the boat for the Master to reveal His work in our lives. This story is so important in teaching us to keep our eyes (of faith) on Jesus. Also, when we fail to keep them there, how comforting to know He is always right there with an open hand. The same hand that made us, the same hand that saved us.

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