
As we come close to the Light,
We can see our great plight.
The disease and the sin under our skin,
What a revealing, dirty, hideous sight.
So darkness we seek,
That we catch not a peek.
Of the evil that grows right under our nose,
We ignore it and of it don’t speak.
We think we can hide,
All our troubles inside.
Till the light it reveals they never will heal,
As we shut out the light the truth is denied.
But God has a plan,
To save sinful man.
He gave His Son, His sole only One.
To do what only He can.
For He took our place,
By His great Love and grace.
On the cross bore our sin, oh what a friend.
And not only us, but the whole human race.
In His light we do see,
How bad that we be.
But with darkness removed, our lives will improve.
And with our new birth we’re finally free.
Free from all fear,
In the light we see clear.
Gods awesome Love shining down from above.
And the name of our Jesus appears.
For He is that light
That beautiful sight.
So loving and kind, gives sight to the blind.
Out of the darkness what joy and delight.
So let that light in,
And turn from all sin,
For Christ He does call, to you and to all,
And let your Sonlit life begin.


“While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
John 9:5

A note about “Illumination”: When well-lit from the inside it’s quite beautiful, a clean, reborn spirit shining in Love; but from the outside all we see is a dirty house.

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