Flesh of My Flesh

LoganFlesh of my flesh, son of my son
It was God’s plan, to share our home.
By family ties, He show us Love,
A faint reminder, of what’s above.
God gave His Son, and nothing less,
No greater Love, could one confess.
Through sons, through fathers, we understand,
The Love of God, His mighty plan.
No stronger love, than father for son,
Through God’s own boy, our freedom’s won.
Freedom from pain, freedom from sin,
Freedom to love, freedom to win.
A place in heaven, with those who wait,
Or fathers, their fathers, a glorious fate.
All God asks, is that we believe,
His beautiful Son to receive.
Give your all, give your best,
Remember God, gave no less.
Live in Love, as Jesus does,
The Son from above, no greater love.

Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
Genesis 6:8

Written for Logan Emerson (Joel’s grandson)

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