Gold in the Ground

Like gold in the ground is God’s Holy book,
When left on the shelf, and no one takes a look.
The story of Jesus, who died on a tree,
To atone for our sins for you and for me
Is written in these pages, what a wonderful Man,
God became flesh, such an incredible plan.
Who would hide a light under a bowl?
Who would run a race, but not toward the goal?
Who would sing a song that no one can hear?
Who would cross the ocean, when the truth is near?
Everything we need, all the wisdom we pursue,
The word that we should heed, and all that is true.
Salvation’s simple terms, made clear to all;
The lovely Word of Jesus to us He calls,
are in this Holy book, open it, and see,
Money can’t buy it; the Gift of God is free.
So do not leave it closed gathering dust,
But open it, behold God’s Love, you absolutely must.
To have it, but not read it’s like a diamond in the clay.
Open it, and let it shine, and brighten every day.

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