Clay to Brick

Garment of clay, tent for my soul,
Worn thin and tattered as I grow old.
God is the owner and tenants we are,
Caretakers of what He’s given so far.
Do our hands and our feet unto Him serve?
Do our mouths and our thoughts reflect His word?
For the measure we give,
Of this life that we live,
Is how we shall receive,
Though it’s hard to conceive.
Pressed down, shaken, overflowing in our laps,
Comes round, making a glowing kingdom that’s
Built in heaven by God up above
From the bricks that we’ve sent up there in love.
One day our earthly bodies will return to the dust,
The way all earthly things do – they die, rot and rust.
These hands and feet of mine seem unlikely a pair
To work with God Almighty and His glory to share.
Do our time and talents build His kingdom as it should?
Will the house built stand fire like gold or like wood?
For the measure you use,
Will be measured to you,
And what now we believe,
Is how then we’ll receive.
Pressed down, shaken, overflowing in our laps,
Comes round, making a glowing kingdom that’s
Built in heaven by God up above,
From the bricks that we’ve sent up there in love.


Give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over,
will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Luke 6:38

A note about “Clay to Brick”: I can relate to this one. How we use our bodies here directly influences our life in God’s Kingdom after we leave this earth. This is not my opinion, but was repeated again and again by Jesus. So many of His parables and teaching have direct or indirect reference to this, and He usually presented it showing both sides of the coin.

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