Hand to Hand

The Hand of our God is open so wide,
All that we need sits waiting inside.
His hand is open in mercy He gives,
In Love He gives all things and all things are His.
His kindness and grace they have no set limit,
The gifts from His hand they come from within it.
Freely He gives to both good and bad men,
He gives to us all, though all of us sin.
Now what do we put in the Hand that sustains?
A gift of our love or trouble and pain.
Do we place our will, our heart and our soul
Into the hand where a nail made a hole?
His hand is open to receive all our gifts;
It does not grasp what He wants with closed fist.
He does not clutch what should be His due,
But patiently waits for me and for you
To place all we have with love in our heart,
By giving to Him freely our own blessing imparts.
Some hammer a nail not knowing what they do,
I know it sounds crazy, but I know that it’s true.
If you do not trust Him to hold all you own,
Do you raise the hammer? Do you strike a blow?
For or against Him there’s no middle ground,
Place love in His hand or a nail you will pound.
His hand is wide open to give and receive,
Shall we give Him our best or make His heart grieve.
Put your hand in His, in faith like a child.
He’ll guide your brief life, through storm and through trial.
And one day to Heaven a home that will last,
Where tears, death, and pain are a thing of the past.
Hands that protect us, guide us and more.
Hush now and listen, the hand knocks at your door.


Into your hands I commit my spirit;
deliver me, LORD, my faithful God.
Psalm 31:5

A note about “Hand to Hand”: Though both good and evil comes from the heart, what doesn’t flow from the mouth usually is directed to the hands; from God’s hands it’s always good. Even when it appears bad to our finite minds it’s still good. Trouble is, we think so often our own hands are more capable of taking care of business than His. His hand is always open in relation to how He gives, but on the other hand (pardon the pun) His hand is open to receive both good and bad from us. He is not tight-fisted when it comes to blessing us and being omnipotent. He cannot pull His hand away when we aim to inflict pain. You ask how we can hurt God. Sin!

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