Lost and Found

Lost my wallet, lost my keys,
A big wind came, lost my trees.
Lost my hair, my get up and go,
My youth is gone, now I’m moving slow.
Lost my power, my place in line,
Too much grog, lost my mind.
Lost my dog, I’ve lost some friends,
The stuff I lose won’t ever end.
But I am happy; I’ve got good news,
The sweetest thing I’ll never lose.
The Love of God, there’s nothing better,
He said He did, inside His letter.
He knew me well before my birth,
And Loves me as I walk this earth.
One day I’ll live within His city,
To lose this chance, now that’s a pity.
All of this world will soon be gone,
Believe me friend, it won’t take long.
The sum of it like sinking ship
Beneath the waves it slowly slips.
But I’ve found wealth of eternal worth,
Just a scant outweighs the earth.
Promises of mercy and of grace,
And hope for life in a better place.
Peace and joy, that I own now,
All things good, God does endow.
My life redeemed from Satan’s hold,
By Christ’s sweet blood, He’s saved my soul.
I’ve found the Pearl of greatest price,
The gift of God, the Life of Christ.
And He’s found me, a sinful wretch,
And when I fell, I He did catch.
The Love God gave cannot be lost,
He gave His Son, at such a cost.
Please don’t refuse this sublime gift,
As you make your way to twilight’s mist.
Lose your pride, deny yourself,
And fetch God’s Book from dusty shelf.
Within you’ll find, sweet words of life,
I found eternity when I found Christ.


What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things, I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
Philippians 3:8-9

A note about “Lost and Found’: Lost my wallet at the gas pump and after a little thought that night I got up the next morning and wrote this. This was pretty much a no-brainer (good thing; I think I lost what little brain I had a long time ago). I was upset that I lost my money, license, and a few charge cards, but what really bothered me is that I’d lost confidence in my own responsibility. Not to mention the fact that I’m going to have to get one of those billfolds with a chain. Carried the burden of the devil’s chains for too many years, and I don’t like any reminder of that. Anyway, within minutes (if not seconds) of realizing my wallet was missing, I understood how insignificant it was and how blessed I truly am owning the wonderful gifts from God that will not rot, rust, or run away! The Apostle Paul summed it up beautifully; “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18

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