The Ultimate Artist

From the rising of the sun they will revere His glory.
Isaiah 59:19

Who is the one who paints the sky,
with fire and light and clouds on high?
The rise of the sun with brilliant hues,
red, purple, gold, and shades of blue.
Radius beams extend from the sun,
glowing perfection, the day’s begun.
This painting it changes minute by minute,
and wonder of wonders we’re standing there in it.
Creation we view at the height of its beauty,
to marvel the artist in love is our duty.
A sculptor diverse from mountains to flowers,
it’s all ever changing from unfathomed powers.
A tiny new baby in humanlike form,
His gift to us, likewise were we born.
God gives us a chance to help in His art,
to bring up a child reverent and smart.
Or teach it the way of hatred and sin,
a terrible way for a life to begin.
A beautiful canvas Holy and pure,
to paint with the Master its finish is sure.
To be greater, grander than any sunrise,
God’s greatest creation in His all seeing eye.
A spirit that’s born from Christ by His Love,
nurtured by you and received from above.
Inexplicable beauty and no greater art,
than a human redeemed by Christ in his heart.


Let this be written for a future generation
that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.

Psalm 102:18

A note about “The Ultimate Artist”: Written just before a Sunday School field trip to the Chrysler Museum. Had no idea that this would go where it did when I started. Kind of like helping Michaelangelo with a painting, but much, much more of a big deal!

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