Generations Come

Generations come, Generations go,
One constant remains through ebb and through flo.
A book that has stood the grand test of time,
It seems to get better like the choicest of wine.
Read by our forefathers it lit up their path,
They garnered Gods mercy instead of His wrath.
It reveals what is truth, and expose’s the lie,
It tells us what we can expect when we die.
As we read of God’s Love like our ancestors did,
We find comfort and hope for ourselves and our kids.
No greater inheritance can we hand to our child,
Than this book that will see us through joy, and through trial
A message of life, eternal, and free,
The story of Jesus who died on a tree.
Who did take our place, our guilt, and our sin,
Who loved us more than the greatest best friend?
As we teach our children of God whom we trust,
We know that our bodies will return to the dust.
But He’s promised us new ones, I can’t wait to see,
As we join with passed kin and those yet to be.

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