Heart Transplant

My dear sweet Loving Jesus, I have a simple plea,
This time it’s not for others, this times it’s just for me.
By Your Word is how I heard of a man that You did heal,
And by Your Name I ask the same for You I do appeal.
His name was Saul, no not Paul; soon to be king Saul,
Your anointed whom You appointed, He answered when You called.
By Your grace and by his faith You gave him brand a new heart,
So I do wish that You’d do this and in me also start.
To make brand new, like only You, with skillful Holy Hand
Can turn heart of stone, into thy throne and heal this sin-prone man.
Oh how sweet, to be complete, Your Love beats in my chest,
To be made new, through and through, and give You all my best.
A heart of gold within my soul, Your Love runs through my veins
With pulse rate steady I’m more than ready, for You my heart to change.
Oh thank You Christ, my love, my life, for the work You have begun,
My evil heart, that was so dark, is dawning like the sun.
So thank you Jesus, this both should please us, and make earth a better place,
By giving more and living for Your kingdom and Your grace.
Lord may I ask, just one more task, I should have asked at first,
I beg of You, could You please do, if I don’t ask I’ll surely burst.
Sisters, brothers, friends and others, they need this healing too,
Every day I always pray, for all those, You know who.
They need the Love that’s from above, a new heart that is pure,
By Your own Hand, I know You can, my faith in You is sure.
But the question still is if they will submit unto Your power,
I know of course You do not force, love should not make men cower.
The Word doesn’t say that Saul did pray for his change of heart,
So when our speech to God’s ears reach, perhaps we all should start
To pray for men with hearts of sin that the Master’s hand may touch,
And perhaps that He will do for them as He’s done for me, so much!


As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart,
and all these signs were fulfilled that day.
I Samuel 10:9

A note about “Heart Transplant”: I’ve always found difficulties praying for those whose hearts are far from God in the grounds of free will. As much as God desires men to come to Him, He does not force Himself upon us. Why should I ask Him to do this? But I Samuel 10:9 tells that God changed Saul’s heart. It’s not recorded that anyone asked for this, even Saul, but it does say that God changed his heart. Even though Saul’s heart strayed from God later, the fact remains that this man left home looking for his father’s lost donkeys and by the time he returned home he had been anointed King. How much infinitely more important is our journey searching for God and greater our reward beyond an earthly Kingdom. Matthew 11:11

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