Super God

I heard the usual summer song; a siren pierced the night,
So I said something short not long, a prayer released in flight.
It flew up through the ceiling, beyond the bounds of earth,
Though genuine with feeling, I wondered of its worth.
I did not know for whom I prayed and soon I’d return to sleep,
Could such a prayer, God’s arm be swayed, this thought was mighty deep.
Now a simple call to nine-one-one will an army of sirens bring,
Should I expect any less done than when to God my prayers sing?
He holds the power of life and death, His power beyond mind’s grasp,
When taking calls He takes no rest and no responder is more fast.
Super God on the scene for problems large and small,
An army of angels is on His team it only takes one call.
Perhaps it was a cat in a tree or even a false alarm,
Perhaps I just may never see if my call kept folks from harm.
I was just about to sleep again when I heard my ringing phone,
From my bed I quickly leaped right out for its message was unknown.
It was my child, my dear sweet child, his voice it sounded shaken,
He’d flipped his car, oh what a trial, but my son, he wasn’t taken.
A little bruise he had incurred, but not a broken bone.
I wondered as he spoke these words about my call to God’s own phone.
He said, “Dad I was so frightened as my car flew through the air,”
But I was quite enlightened as his story he did share.
“It felt like hands were holding me,” he said between the tears,
And I began extoling He who removes from me all fears.
Then later on it crossed my mind, my prayer it was late,
The car was tossed before the time I’d said the prayer in haste.
But Super God doesn’t wear a watch, all time and space He owns,
On His Love gun another notch as His mercy again was shown.
Every prayer reaches to God’s ear when spoke in love and faith,
And perfect Love casts out all fear; He’s the Super God of grace!


The LORD answered Moses,
“Is the LORD’s arm too short?”
Numbers 11:23

A note about “Super God”: While awake late at night trying to get back to sleep I hear a siren go by. I don’t think about it every time, but whenever I’m waiting for sleep I usually pray, so I said a prayer for whoever the siren was designated for. I got up and began writing. Halfway through the fiction kicked in, in reference to my son who called after being in an accident. The fiction turned out to be prophecy as three weeks later, the day before Thanksgiving my seventeen year old grandson called to tell me he had been in an accident very similar to my fictional account. After calling the sheriff’s office to summon help I went and reread the poem. When I got to the line, “but my son he wasn’t taken,” I thought I would cry. One more thing on a mile high thank you list for the next day. Actually I give thanks every day. No way, I’ll get done with that list in one day!

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